6 Trends in the Latest CRM System that You Must Know!
How is the trend of the current CRM system? What are the trends that companies must pay attention to in order to stay ahead of innovation?
Nowadays, everything is digital, including the trend in terms of CRM systems . Today's CRM or customer relationship management systems must be used as a fundamental technology to establish customer relationships by providing an experience (customer experience) that keeps them coming back. That is the ultimate customer relationship management goal : retaining customers.
CRM is a very competitive and growing system. The increasing demand for CRM has made it more and more discussed, from CRM strategies to CRM benefits and features. What are the latest CRM trends that companies should know about? Check it out in the following article!
The latest trend of CRM systems
1. Prioritize customer experience ( customer experience )
Today's business is increasingly customer-centric. Customer experience is what differentiates one business from another, even with the same type of business.
Customers will go to the place that provides the best experience for them. For this reason, companies must be able to provide a better experience than competitors. This is not just to attract new prospects, but the most important thing is to encourage customer loyalty.
CRM has been known to provide a better customer experience and increase customer loyalty . In addition, another CRM system trend is for personalization. CRM software helps companies to take a more customer-centric approach.
2. Increased self-service
Advances in technology today make access to information about anything easier. This also encourages customers to be more independent when searching for certain products or companies.
When making contact for the first time with a company, the customer usually performs the service independently or is often called self-service . Many buyers choose to find information about a company independently rather than having to ask customer care. Some find a system like this more convenient, faster, and easier for them.
Many companies have also seen this trend by increasing their investment in technologies that support self-service , one of which is Chatbot . There are many chatbot provider vendors today, but one of the most widely used is Whatsapp Chatbot or Whatsapp Bot. With chatbots , customers can interact with the company 24/7 and receive fast responses, especially for common questions. Chatbots also provide benefits for companies, including:
• Increase efficiency and productivity in serving customers
• Improve customer service
3. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Artificial intelligence (AI) or artificial intelligence currently plays an important role in many aspects of sales and customer service, including CRM systems.
A CRM system that has AI helps the sales force or sales force in making the right decisions by providing the right insight.
Some of the roles of AI in sales provide benefits for companies, including "
• Facilitate in receiving and understanding data
• Sharper analytical capabilities
• Better data integrity
• Provide more personalized solutions to customers
4. Social CRM
Social media has become an important part of business, both in increasing sales, marketing and customer service. Social CRM is the integration of social media with the CRM system .
This allows businesses to interact and store customer-related data from various social networks such as Facebook, Line, Telegram, to the WhatsApp API . Thus the business can gain broader customer insight and provide better customer service. Social CRM also helps businesses run social campaigns and reach customers directly through the CRM system so that the scope of business is wider.
5. CRM system integration with other systems
A CRM system that is flexible and easy to integrate with other systems is needed by companies. In a company, especially a large company, there is usually more than one system used. Integrating CRM software with various systems helps companies to achieve their business goals.
CRM systems are usually integrated with ERP ( enterprise resource planning ), social media, and Whatsapp.
CRM integration with Whatsapp or often called Whatsapp CRM is increasingly being used by companies. This is because almost everyone currently uses Whatsapp. So, to reach customers more easily through the platform they use daily, WhatsApp CRM is a solution for businesses.
6. Mobile CRM
Currently, mobile CRM has become a necessity for companies if they want their sales force to actually use CRM software, even when they are in the field. Mobile CRM equipped with GPS live check-in really helps businesses in tracking the whereabouts of sales teams in the field and ensuring they carry out their duties.
With mobile CRM, access to the latest customer and sales data can be obtained whenever and wherever needed.
Stay updated with the latest CRM system trends
Companies must pay attention to the latest developments in CRM systems in order to move towards success. This does not mean that the company must own all the ongoing trends. Make sure it must be aligned and can accommodate the final goal to be achieved more effectively and efficiently.